Engaging with the community during construction – here’s why it is so important.

Engaging with the community during construction.

We’re proud of the community engagement work we’ve done for our clients over the years, which (among other things) has allowed us to nip more than a few issues in the bud that otherwise could have become major problems.

But aside from issues and complaints management, have you ever wondered WHY it is so important for us to engage with the community in the first place – especially after the project has been approved and is already in construction stage?

Here are just a few of the many reasons we engage during construction:

1. Poor or no engagement can significantly impact a project’s programs and budgets.
Escalating complaints, community outrage, protests, media and ministerial involvement are just some of the things that you can mitigate with well planned, appropriate, and meaningful engagement.

2. Not engaging with the community can have serious long-term impacts on the community’s health and wellbeing.
Time and money aside, we do it because it is the right thing to do.

3. Effective communication and engagement from the start helps set the tone for involvement in the project.
By managing expectations and clarifying up front what is and is not up for negotiation instead of waiting for issues to arise, you can save time and effort down the track. “Proactive” is a community engagement team’s middle name. 

4. Trust. ‘Licence to operate’. Potential for repeat business with a happy client. Opportunities to do better (whoa! four reasons for the price of one).
Community engagement is not about avoiding complaints, but when done well, it allows you to handle complaints in a way that can lead to mutually positive outcomes and a better way forward.

5. It is also a fundamental civic right for the community to be involved in or aware of decisions and projects that will impact them. 
At Becscomm, we love what we do and have an excellent team of experienced and passionate community engagement consultants ready to help you with your next project. Our core purpose is your success!

Give us a call for your next project and let us help pave the way for a project that is on time, on budget and accepted by your stakeholders. 

Post Credit: Amanda Mikhael – Senior Engagement + Communications Consultant @ Becscomm